Monday, February 1, 2010


Delusion, or not delusion?....

Sometimes I wish I could be delusional. It seems so carefree and uninterrupted by the conscious world that is happening. Some people are so a life that, for the most part, anyone would seem to think was normal. pictures of "fun" events...etc. And for the most part, I suppose, it is a real life. To that person. But when does delusion become unhealthy? When does the line between dreaming and being harmfully delusional blur?
I myself have always been an enormous dreamer... I remember being a child and playing around the pool, thinking I was a super fireman, putting out fires that were imaginably burning in the banana trees that lined the pool. I remember being a construction specialist, with all the Tonka toys I had, building ditches, tunnels, and car/motorcycle jumps in the dirt underneath all the pine trees we had. I STILL fervently dream about things that could, or would, or may, or even may not happen. But alas, I dream. I personally think it is a great character attribute, and I love having it.
But when does being a "dreamer" become being recklessly delusional? Are the two attached at all?? There are many levels that can be brought in by this conversation. Being a "good person" falls in there very frequently in my version. So what you have to do then, is take into account what IS a good person, and how does dreaming and being delusional overlap that.
For me, I value honest, and understanding friendship. I value respect between human beings. I value honest and caring relationships. I value the truth. I value realness.
I value dreams. I dream of having a Ferrari. I dream of winning the lottery. I dream of having enough money to take care of my parents and loved ones for the rest of our lives. I dream of things like being famous, being in a movie, etc. etc. All fairly normal dreams I would think.
But does being a dreamer mean you have to screw your friends over? Does it mean that you have to fuck people over that have helped you and cared for you? Does being a dreamer mean "what ever it takes", even if it means I will forget everything and everyone, unless they are an essential rung in my personal ladder of dream greatness, and only then I will remember them because i fucked them over to gain that foothold of my ladder?
Does it mean you have to lie about being religious? The main word that comes to mind is "facade". A facade of being a God-fearing individual... a facade of being a trustworthy person... the absolute facade of being what you are, and what you, and everyone else knows, is not you in the slightest. I think at this point this becomes delusion.
And what brings a person to this? Were they born that way? Were there traumatic experiences that brought them this way? Or are they simply carpetbaggers, moving from one life-source to another, until the pinnacle of benefit has been reached. Vampires I suppose, feeding...only to either elongate themselves by the feast of the other person and the transformation of that person into a vampire, or to feed until there is no life left, not even an "undead" one.
It absolutely blows my mind...this delusion. How some people can float along on their own little dribble of a life, oblivious that we are put here for reasons. Oblivious to the overall plan. With not a care in the world who they hurt or use. It seems to be a real drag for all of us who actually try to enjoy our real lives.
Ha. But here I am at early morning writing about delusion. Maybe it is I who am delusional.....delusional for the pure fact of not understanding.

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